When it comes to leadership on issues concerning the built environment, people look to architects. The annual AIA-SWO Eugene Register-Guard insert reaches the newspaper's 174,000 readers and has proven an excellent vehicle for promoting our profession’s design expertise. For 2008, our goal is to demonstrate how architects are helping to create sustainable communities. Accordingly, the AIA-SWO has adopted the theme of the 2030 Challenge for this year’s insert.
Support our chapter’s efforts to raise our profile in the community by purchasing space in the 2008 insert to highlight your firm’s sustainable design philosophies and “green” projects. The insert is the AIA-SWO’s most significant source of non-dues revenue each year; your participation will not only provide a tangible benefit for your practice but also help to support our chapter’s mission to make the profession of ever-increasing service to society.
The Register-Guard has agreed to provide the AIA-SWO with nearly 20 ads, which will run throughout August, reminding readers first about our annual People's Choice Awards program and then about the upcoming insert. As we have done previously, we will also encourage interest in the publication by offering a prize raffle at the People's Choice exhibit with the winner announced in the AIA Insert.
The following is pricing for space in this year’s insert:
- Center Double-Truck (COLOR)* $4000 (1) available
- Front & Back Cover (COLOR)* $2100 (1) each available
- 4/5 Page (BLACK & WHITE)* $1150
- 1/2 Page (BLACK & WHITE) $660
- 1/4 Page (BLACK & WHITE) $380
- Business Card (BLACK & WHITE) $220
- Listing $65
Firms that returned the survey from the 2007 AIA insert will enjoy last year’s lower prices for each business card-sized ad or larger. Eligible firms should contact John Stapleton for information about the 2007 prices (John’s contact information may be found at the end of this post).
A 5% discount for all pricing automatically applies to all who submit the ad content prior to the following important deadlines:
- Color ads and 4/5 page ads: August 14, 2008
- Camera-ready ads (those done by firms in-house): August 21, 2008
- Business cards and listings: August 28, 2008
- Smaller firms (5 or fewer employees) who purchase an ad of $220 or more receive ONE free People's Choice Award entry ($75 fee is waived)
- Larger firms (more than 5 employees) who purchase an ad of $380 or more receive ONE free People's Choice Award entry ($135 fee is waived)
Don’t miss out. Reserve your space in the 2008 Register-Guard insert now!
Please direct your questions regarding the insert to:
John Stapleton
PIVOT Architecture
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