Saturday, December 14, 2013


I’ve never been a numbers or statistics person, at least when it comes to collecting, organizing, and analyzing data. On the other hand, I do enjoy interpreting the data collected by others and drawing conclusions from it. This is why I was intrigued when the Construction Specifications Institute announced it has launched its weekly #CSIStats Information Campaign. The goal is to help CSI leaders understand where CSI stands today by sharing facts about the Institute. 

The Institute will post new #CSIStats on its website each Monday through next February, as well as on its other social media outlets (Twitter and Facebook). I found the first week’s entries fascinating: 


This last factoid was probably week one’s biggest surprise. What about the other 75% of zip codes? The logical inference we can derive from this one statistic is that CSI’s reach is presently limited and the potential to add to the membership rolls is great. 

Raising eyebrows and “I did not know that” reactions is exactly what the Institute is hoping for. It sees its #CSIStats campaign as a conversation starter for CSI leaders at all levels. These conversations are important as CSI prepares to update its strategic plan (read it at ) in 2015. In these fast-changing times, it’s important for CSI’s leaders to know where the organization stands today and where it should be going in the future. 

Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that CSI remains relevant to its membership. Following the maxim of “know thyself,” CSI is using all the tools at its disposal to understand how best to fulfill its mission, which is to advance building information management and educate project teams to improve facility performance. #CSIStats is one such tool. 

All CSI members can participate in conversations about #CSIStats, especially those conversations happening online. For example, you can participate in the CSI Leaders LinkedIn Group (join it here), or post or respond to a blog entry. As I mentioned above, the Institute will post new #CSIStats at every Monday. If you have questions or comments, email

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