Sunday, September 17, 2023

Kaarin Knudson for Mayor!

Kaarin Knudson, AIA

As someone who is invested in the future of our city, I am excited to endorse Kaarin Knudson for mayor of Eugene. Kaarin announced her candidacy during a press conference last week in advance of next May’s primary election. As a principal with Larco Knudson Sustainable Urban Design, she brings a fresh perspective to local politics, one that combines her experience as an architect, urban designer, university educator, and community leader. Kaarin’s unique skill set and vision are exactly what our community needs as Eugene faces a host of critical challenges.
What sets Kaarin apart is precisely her background as an architect and urban designer. Architects are trained to see the bigger picture, think analytically in three dimensions, and work toward integration and synthesis. The best architects are creative and collaborative problem-solvers, while possessing an outstanding talent for communication and teamwork. In these and other respects, architects are well suited for political leadership, particularly at the municipal level where their skills can help move communities toward tangible and effective policy changes across a broad front. Alas, too few architects have stepped up to the plate.(1)
A key reason why I wholeheartedly support Kaarin is her unwavering pledge to address the housing crisis in Eugene. Housing is not just a matter of shelter; it is the foundation of health and opportunity for everyone. Presently, many local households struggle to simply meet basic needs, and this struggle is compounded by the high cost of available shelter. That said, the absence of quality housing options that serve diverse needs and lifestyles is not solely an affordability issue; it is additionally tied to matters of policy that have for too long been at odds with the realities of Eugene’s shifting demographics and aspirations toward becoming a sustainable and inclusive community. As a founding director and board member of Better Housing Together, Kaarin has led efforts to see policies enacted that would diversify the available housing stock. As mayor, she would assume a new platform upon which she would be empowered to help move the rhetoric beyond advocacy toward effective policy.
Kaarin’s firsthand expertise as an architect and urban designer further includes her understanding of the importance and complexity of planning goals. Aligning support for the business community, housing choice, mobility, and equity is crucial to ensuring Eugene’s future development is sustainable and benefits all residents. It’s that big picture perspective again: By training, Kaarin would bring a holistic view, contextual understanding, strategic thinking, and the ability to synthesize information from a variety of sources and disciplines to her role as mayor. These are traits I want to see in our leaders, especially when we expect them to navigate a complex and dynamic political environment in pursuit of long-term goals and objectives.
I admire Kaarin’s dedication to Eugene, her desire to make a difference, and her willingness to assume a role of leadership and responsibility. The hard work and the sheer number of hours both the mayor and all council members commit to in the service of our community are far too often underappreciated by the public. I have no doubt Kaarin would extend that outstanding legacy of commitment, while moving Eugene forward in strategic pursuit of her clearly stated objectives. Let’s rally behind Kaarin, support her candidacy, and work together to create the Eugene we all envision.(2)
(1) Maurice Cox, FAIA, the former mayor of Charlottesville, VA is a notable exception. Cox achieved success during his tenure overseeing significant changes in his city’s comprehensive plan to favor dense, mixed-use urban development over mindless sprawl.
(2) As a permanent U.S. resident but not a citizen I am ineligible to cast a vote in any election here. Regardless of this inconvenient fact and while I typically steer clear of expressing my political views or discussing politics in general, I do find Kaarin’s vision worthy of my support and promotion on this blog.  

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