Sunday, September 15, 2024

Design :: Resilience - The 2024 University of Oregon Reynolds Symposium

October 18-19, 2024 

Oregon State Treasury Building (photo by Tom Hahn).

The 2024 Reynolds Symposium will bring together a diverse group of designers, academics, researchers, public servants, and others to explore resilience in the face of shifting ecologies, communities, and climate disruptions. 

This event will feature keynote speakers, panel discussions, and an interactive design activity focused on resilience. Attendees will also have opportunities to network with presenters and peers during extended breaks. A highlight of the symposium includes an optional tour of the Oregon State Treasury’s new U.S. Resiliency Council (USRC) Platinum-rated headquarters in Salem. 

The discussions will address the immediate challenges posed by storms, wildfires, and earthquakes, alongside the broader, long-term impacts of climate change on water, food systems, and migration. The symposium will delve into how professionals in architecture, landscape, and interior design can shape environments that not only withstand these challenges but also foster thriving communities. 

Key topics include real-world examples and strategies for resilient design at various scales, from neighborhood resource hubs that strengthen social ties to urban infrastructure that maintains critical services. The symposium will also explore the relationship between resilience and sustainability, examining whether these two concepts are complementary or distinct. 

Dynamic and interactive sessions will allow participants to engage deeply with these ideas through exhibitions, workshops, and panel discussions led by experts in the field. Attendees can earn up to 8 AIA LU/HSW continuing education credits. 

Attend the symposium October 18-19, 2024 and leave ready to help shape the future of resilient design. 

Organizing Committee 
  • Tom Hahn, UO Career Instructor, Architecture 
  • John Reynolds, UO Professor Emeritus, Architecture 
  • Alison Kwok, UO Professor, Architecture 
  • Nicholas Rajkovich, Associate Professor, University at Buffalo 
  • Maria Coronado Cabrera, UO PhD Candidate, Architecture 
  • Lindsay Ahmed, BARCH & Sophia Blatnik, MARCH, UO student coordinators 
Symposium Sponsors
  • UO Architecture Reynolds Endowment 
  • UO Architecture Davis Family Fund 
  • AIA Oregon 
Registration Information
Early-bird registration closes Monday, September 16. The registration includes all sessions, keynotes, panel discussions, the building tour, and meals. Up to 8 AIA LU/HSW credits are available. There will be no live streaming of the event. 

REGISTER NOW through Eventbrite: click Link: HERE

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